The Kutztown University Renaissance Faire

2020 Dates: April 18

Official Description

The Kutztown University Medieval Renaissance Club is a student-run organization and we will be hosting a 2-day Renaissance Faire right on the University campus! There will be a play going on throughout the day with a script that was written by one our own members. There will be vendors, singing, fighting and mayhem! Each day this event will be going from 10am to 6pm both days. Come on out and hang out with a wonderful group! This will be the 27th year that this club has been running and we have hosted dinner shows in the winter and Renaissance Faires in the Spring. There is free parking and free admission to this event since it's on a college campus and you only pay for anything you get from a vendor.


  • Fair type: Renaissance

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Berks Hall
15200 Kutztown Rd, Kutztown, PA 19530, USA

Contact Info
Last updated on December 29, 2024.
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